Publication in 2019

  • Hayder I. Mohammed, Donald giddings, Gavin S. Walker, Thermo-physical properties of the nano-binary fluid (acetone–zinc bromide-ZnO) as a low temperature operating fluid for use in an absorption refrigeration machine, Heat and Mass Transfer 2019, pp 1-8. Springer Berlin Heidelberg Online ISSN1432-1181, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s00231-019-02760-5.

  • Mohammed, H.I., Giddings, D., Walker, G.S., Experimental investigation of nanoparticles concentration, boiler temperature and flow rate on flow boiling of zinc bromide and acetone solution in a rectangular duct. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2019. 130: p. 710-721. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0017931018322609

  • Shujahadeen B. Aziz, Wrya O. Karim, M. A. Brza, Rebar T. Abdulwahid, Salah Raza Saeed, S. Al-Zangana and M. F. Z. Kadir, Ion Transport Study in CS: POZ Based Polymer Membrane Electrolytes Using Trukhan Model, Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(21), 5265; DOI: 10.3390/ijms20215265

  • S.B. Aziz, O.G. Abdullah, S. Al-Zangana "Solid Polymer Electrolytes Based on Chitosan:NH4Tf Modified by Various Amounts of TiO2 Filler and its Electrical and Dielectric Characteristics" International journal of electrochemical science, Vol.14, Issue 2, pp.1909 – 1925, 2019. DOI:10.20964/2019.02.31

  • H. MEHRANFAR, M. MOHAMMED, and A. MOHAMMAD, “STRUCTURAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF MgFeCrO4 FERRITE NANOPARTICLES,” Journal of Non-Oxide Glasses, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 33-40, 2019.

  • Z. T. Khodair, A. M. Mohammad, and A. A. Khadom, “Investigations of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Cu1-xVxO Nanostructures Prepared by sol-gel Method,” Chemical Data Collections, pp. 100315, 2019.