World Space Week Activities

World Space Week activity is a global program for generalization of astronomy and space science. SWS activities will be held by universities, astronomical societies, social organization and schools in all of the world at October every years.

In 2017 we did it for first time at University of Garmian in KRG. In our program, we invited Mr. Hossein Hosseini, Kurd's Master and author in astronomy and physics from University of Sulaimani, he had a talk about cosmology and philosophy of life in 2 hrs.

From University of Garmian, Mr. Jamil Enayati has a talk about Astrobiology and habitable exoplanets.

After seminars, students of physics department exhibited 4 posters about 4 topics around space science and astronomy.

report of our activity with photos saved in international activities group of WSW: